Thursday, March 17, 2011

Like Mom, Like Dad

Dear Brooklyn,
Moving again! Our current Show Home sold and we must move out in the next 8 days. eek. We've been staging homes (that are for sale) with our furniture. BUT we have a house that's being renovated- but not ready for us :( So we'll be living in Marmie & Papa Doc's garage apartment.

Ok can we just agree that it's going to be AWESOME!? They have a heated pool & hot tub about 20 steps away from our room :) I'm sooo excited. I officially started packing this morning and you were not very excited to see some of your toys packed away. But no worries my little man- we'll get them all out again soon!

This afternoon you and I snuggled together for a little bit during your nap time and I was thinking how funny it was that there are things you do exactly like me! And then things you do that are exactly like your dad. I thought I would make you a list :)

Like Mom:
-We both sleep best on our tummies with our hands tucked under our legs
-We both love anything sweet :) or "treats" as you like to call them
-We both love to read (or in your case be read to) before bedtime
-We both have curly hair
-We both LOVE swimming

Like dad:
-Your blue eyes
-You are a morning person
-Your amazingly strong legs (you are already so athletic)
-You both love to laugh
-You both make incredible sound effects! (cars, planes, trains etc.)
-You both love to wrestle and get dirty outside

I know there are so many more- but that's what I thought of for now. Remember even with our differences- I will ALWAYS love you!



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